Your connection to aps!
Alyssa Sherman, CPC
Director of Operations/Senior Recruiting Specialist
Alyssa Sherman is the Director of Operations with Atlantic Personnel Search. She has 7 years of restaurant management experience and has been in the recruiting and placement business since 1996. She has recently celebrated her 22nd year with the company. Alyssa has earned the designation C.P.C. (Certified Personnel Consultant) from The Board of Regents of the National Association of Personnel Services in 2004. She graduated from The Catholic University of America with a degree in Human Resources Management.
Ken Ranko
Business Manager
Ken Ranko is the Business Manager with Atlantic Personnel Search. He has a Bachelor of Science in Labor and Industrial Relations with a minor in Human Resource Management from The Pennsylvania State University. He is Six Sigma certified (SSGB) and has over 20 years of practical experience in Human Resource and Operations Management.
Our newest member to the team. He is a 5 year old CavaPoo! He loves to meet new people!